[ubuntu-art] Colour

Alvaro Medina Ballester xlasttrainhomex at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 19:53:23 BST 2007

El 16/04/2007, a las 8:19, Donn escribió:
>> I can't stress this enough, this is, by all empirical research, an  
>> urban
>> myth.

Sure?? urban mith? Seriously, do you __believe__ that, for example,  
Apple engineers could have chosen pink color for all the folders and  
green instead of grey for the app windows?

If you're right, I have to talk with my Software Engineering teacher.  
When she explained basic things about Interface design and usability  
she __ emphasized__ the importance of colours (and she showed us some  
works about the effect on colours in human mood/mind/work/usability)  
into the human-computer interaction.

In my opinion this is obviosly __not__ a worthless discussion, and of  
course, this is not an urban mith.

Sorry, maybe this is quite off-topic.

Have a nice day!


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