[ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art Digest, Vol 22, Issue 3

Vincent Weber weber.vincent at gmail.com
Sat Apr 14 08:59:22 BST 2007

>Earth tones can work wondefully towards communicating 'earthy' ideals
>when implemented in the design structure.  That said, when you fail to
>apply those notions, or worse -- as Ubuntu does -- use 'brown' just for
>'browns' sake, you end up in a mire of mediocre design.

Ok, good point. But you don't have to screw up that earthy design when you
seek different colors. For example, look at these stones in the commercial
for the Motorola Pebble (here's a small image
http://www.randomculture.com/random_culture/images/peblpond.jpg) You can see
the grey and the deep sea green giving you this raw violence of nature. It
is earty in my opinion. No one has ever done that before.

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