[ubuntu-art] Minor modification to the progressbar in ubunutlooks

Chuck Huber chuck at lagunadata.com
Sat Sep 30 08:47:37 BST 2006

I really like Richard's new progress bar.  If there is an issue about
the shorter lines, I wonder if just the updated bar and glass tube can
be added since the shading is SO much better on both.

I submitted a bug report with views of the issue expanded to 800% so
it's easy to see.


On Fri, 2006-09-08 at 22:52 +0200, Richard Stellingwerff wrote:
> Hi guys and gals,
> A few days ago Benjamin Otte (Company) sent me a nice patch for
> ubuntulooks, which slightly changes the appearance of the progressbars
> in Ubuntulooks.
> The current progressbar renders squared (width=height) cells,
> resulting in a partially rendered cell at the end of the bar when the
> bar's width is not a multiply of a cell's width.
> Benjamin's patch calculates a sensible width for each cell, so that
> the bar contains only complete cells. The number of cells also varies
> depending on the width. An example screenshot is located here:
> http://www.stellingwerff.com/ubuntulooks/pb1.png .
> My plan is to get this into edgy. I hope you guys like it.
> Kind regards,
> Richard Stellingwerff.
Chuck Huber <chuck at lagunadata.com>

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