[ubuntu-art] Edgy's current art looks like fecal matter :O

Michiel Sikma michiel at thingmajig.org
Tue Sep 12 09:48:41 BST 2006

Op 12-sep-2006, om 10:35 heeft Mark Shuttleworth het volgende  

> Both good pointers. Troy Sobotka just called for more comments to  
> help get Edgy's artwork nailed, so your timing is good.
> Mark

That's true. We need to have more people actively criticizing art.  
Don't worry about not contributing other than giving criticism, since  
that is needed as well. I don't think that what you've sent to the  
list was very useful, though, since you didn't provide any reasoning  
(except that it looks like feces, which I don't consider to be  
helpful at all; if you're afraid that this type of art will remain in  
the distro till the final release, try putting more time and thought  
into your alarm calls).

Troy and I are occasionally coming together on IRC to discuss the  
artwork while making changes based on each other's input and I think  
it's working out very well. Maybe I could stress the importance of  
IRC again: it just works very well when several people have time to  
spend on Ubuntu.


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