[ubuntu-art] Workflow management

Michiel Sikma michiel at thingmajig.org
Fri Sep 8 09:25:11 BST 2006

Op 7-sep-2006, om 18:43 heeft Nathan Eckenrode het volgende geschreven:

> I am not certain I see how Mediawiki is better at allowing one to  
> see the
> progression of work that has been done on artwork. It appears to be  
> the same
> solution that is currently in place, a wiki. i certainly can be  
> wrong in this
> aspect, it will not be the first time nor the last time.

MediaWiki keeps revision histories of _everything_, including images.  
You can jump back to old revisions of images for comparison.

Not that this makes it a perfect CMS for artwork collaboration,  


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