[ubuntu-art] Usplash for edgy is finished

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Thu Sep 7 11:13:17 BST 2006

On do, 2006-09-07 at 10:51 +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:

> Big absentee here is usplash, since it was clear to me it hadn't  
> matured to the point where we'd be providing final artwork yet.  
> Tonight is this week's developer meeting, at 23:00 GMT, so if you are  
> able to join in for a bit that would be great (it's at 01:00 in The  
> Netherlands).

I'll probably not be able to make it. I've worked until deep in the
night for a few days and had 4.5 hours of sleep todat.

> Thanks for the progress update, I hope we're able to properly work  
> around feature freeze limitations on the artwork for usplash.

Given that there is no artwork at all yet for usplash and noone wants to
see the testcard in the final version, I think this will be possible.
Dennis K.

Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.
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