[ubuntu-art] [polish] new wallpaper?

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Mon Oct 2 00:27:47 BST 2006

Frank Schoep wrote:
> On Oct 1, 2006, at 1:37 PM, Viper550 wrote:
>> Étienne Bersac wrote:
>>> This is not the produce phase. This is the polish phase. We should just
>>> improve troy_s wallpaper.
>> Oh great, why didn't you use SVG? There is no open-source version of
>> Xara for Windows, and I usually do all my graphics design on Windows!
>> Whoops...
> I'm sorry for the confusion guys, let me clear this up.
> Étienne, I can certainly understand your point of view where the 
> Polish phase means trying to improve Troy's current design. However, 
> because Mark doesn't approve the current artwork we need to work on a 
> very different design given a new set of directions. So the "Polish" 
> phase is actually a short version of the whole process we went through 
> already.
> This means that Viper550 is doing the right thing in trying to come up 
> with new designs conforming to Mark's directions. Because of the name 
> "Polish" it's easy to get confused about the meaning right now, so I 
> hope this clears it up.
> The second thing about the Xara format: I think it's not a bad thing 
> that Troy used Xara for his design. There are some tricks in there 
> which are not easily created in Inkscape so it makes sense to use 
> Xara. With Xara being open source and the file format being properly 
> documented the future for that format looks bright.
> I can understand the problem of availability on Windows, so it's 
> obvious we should prefer Inkscape. However, there are a lot of people 
> on the team using Linux who are able to use Xara open-source. Maybe 
> you could try the free VMWare Player to install Ubuntu in a virtual 
> machine on your Windows installation to enjoy the best of both worlds?
> Your questions and comments are welcome, I'll be here to take away any 
> confusion regarding our current directions.
> With kind regards,
> Frank Schoep
I'm just concerned because my Linux machine (FC5) isn't as powerful as 
my main computer. My main has Windows XP, 512 MB ram, and a Athlon XP 
processor. But my older computer has 256 MB ram, Windows XP and Fedora 
Core 5, and the Athlon Thunderbird (pretty much the Athlon version of a 
Pentium III). Also, it's just that for some reason, they don't have a 
version of the open-source version for Windows XP (you pretty much have 
to buy it if you want it for Windows right now)

Also, I agree with what Frank just said. I was following almost EXACTLY 
with the guidelines you gave (modeling it after the Dapper Gnome Splash).

p.s. I've attached the SVG source if anyone wants it. I've also added a 
new subpage to the Polish section with my wallpaper on it!

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