[ubuntu-art] Plea for a choice of themes having subtle gentle colours?

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Nov 22 20:11:22 GMT 2006

I hope I have not missed something, I am new to this list and I 
appreciate visual appearances.

I frequently find that for my taste, most themes are a bit full-on, in 
the face, strong colour. This is great for a refreshing change, but 
can be a little tiresome when I want the 'content' to rule, and the 
theme to 'fade into the background'.

I make a plea for a theme/s which includes a gentle perhaps pastel 
shades, minimal colour, accepted that it must be seen(!)

For example I generally have to make up a custom one, light brown, 
sandy, etc, as far as I can see, lighter in colour than themes usually 
alan cocks
Linux registered user #360648

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