[ubuntu-art] spec for Human Qt theme

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Wed Nov 22 00:02:04 GMT 2006

Kenneth Wimer wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 23:33, Wes Morgan wrote:
>> That's a good point. I hadn't really even been thinking about the icons
>> (more the widgets), but they definitely also need visual integration.
>> Should we make a list of what needs to be done to have a working theme on
>> the wiki page? Would it be worthwhile to start from any of the themes I've
>> linked to already?
> That would a good way to start. The community can decide what is best.
> For KDE3 apps that is probably the easiest solution. KDE4 is a different 
> issue, as using one icon set for both desktops should be at least 
> theoretically possible, although a lot of work :-)
> Bye,
> Ken
Just wanted to add that I have a couple of kde application icons in 
tango-common, but I would be happy to add more of them during this cycle 
so qt apps will not not look out of place the gnome-menus (or in the 
k-menus for those who run tango-icon-theme under the kde desktop).
On a somewhat related note, would it be hard to design a tool that 
changed the icon set (and possibly the controls as well) of both my gtk 
and qt apps at the same time?
- Andreas

>> On 11/21/06, Kenneth Wimer <kwwii at oxygen-icons.org> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 23:12, Wes Morgan wrote:
>>>> Kenneth,
>>>> Great! Your help will be most appreciated.
>>>> Here's what I'm thinking on your KDE 3 vs. 4 question:
>>>> The point of this spec is mainly to make sure that Qt/KDE apps running
>>> in
>>>> Ubuntu (GNOME) look and feel exactly like GNOME/GTK apps (or as close
>>>> as
>>> we
>>>> can get). So, it seems like we need both a Qt/KDE 3 version and a
>>>> Qt/KDE
>>> 4
>>>> version. Because there are many (binary) apps out there that are Qt
>>>> 3-based, and more and more that are Qt 4-based, not to mention the
>>>> impending KDE-wide shift to Qt 4 with the upcoming release of KDE 4.
>>>> But even when that comes out, it would still be nice to support the
>>>> older Qt 3-based apps with this theme.
>>>> I would think we should start with Qt/KDE 3 (at least for the feisty
>>> cycle)
>>>> and then we can focus on Qt/KDE 4 (in the feisty cycle too, if there's
>>>> time, feisty+1 if not, since I would imagine that Kubuntu feisty+1 will
>>> be
>>>> a KDE 4 system).
>>>> Does that seem right?
>>> Yepp. It sounds great. In the end it depends on the amount of work one
>>> wants
>>> to put into something :-)
>>> I hope that we can continue this discussion. From the KDE side, it is
>>> also a
>>> goal to use consistent icons in gnome apps running under kde. In the end,
>>> working on this will help both projects, so I am all for it :-)
>>> Bye,
>>> Ken
>>>> Wes
>>>> On 11/21/06, Kenneth Wimer <kwwii at bootsplash.org> wrote:
>>>>> On Tuesday 21 November 2006 22:28, Wes Morgan wrote:
>>>>>> Great. The first thing we need then, is a Qt theme that closely
>>>>> resembles
>>>>>> Human GTK. Any out there experienced with Qt theming that can
>>>>>> assist
>>> me
>>>>>> with this? I'm thinking we can start with some of the attempts that
>>>>>> have been made already and polish them up a bit. (See wiki page for
>>>>>> links)
>>>>> I can help. I did the Kubuntu artwork for the last two releases and
>>> I'm
>>>>> deeply
>>>>> involved with KDE and KDE artwork (not to mention that I did all the
>>> art
>>>>> for
>>>>> SuSE for 7 years).
>>>>> There are still several open questions...is this for kde3 or kde4 or
>>>>> both? KDE
>>>>> is migrating to the xdg icon naming spec for kde4, so it might be a
>>> lot
>>>>> less
>>>>> work to worry about kde4 and try to get things right for that before
>>>>> making
>>>>> something for the short term. Then again, maybe it would be nice to
>>> have
>>>>> something right away, while still working on the future...
>>>>>> Is there a Kubuntu art list that I should be cross-posting this to?
>>>>> Nope, this is the one and only art list for *buntu (although I have
>>> often
>>>>> thought that it might help to have a list for Kubuntu artwork alone
>>>>> as
>>> it
>>>>> might help the Kubuntu art community).
>>>>> Bye,
>>>>> Ken
>>>>>> Wes
>>>>>> On 11/19/06, Mark Shuttleworth <mark at canonical.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>  Wes Morgan wrote:
>>>>>>> The spec is here:
>>> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/human-theme-for-qt-and-kde
>>>>>>> What do you folks think of this? Where should I go next to get
>>>>>>> the
>>>>> ball
>>>>>>> rolling? I'm hoping to get something in place for feisty+1. Feel
>>> free
>>>>> to
>>>>>>> rip that wiki page to shreds with questions, comments, rants,
>>>>> whatever.
>>>>>>> :)
>>>>>>> You're following exactly the right process: spec, discuss,
>>> implement.
>>>>> For
>>>>>>> the implementation phase, you might want to meet up (online :-))
>>> with
>>>>>>> some of the MOTU team, to talk about getting the pieces packaged
>>> that
>>>>> you
>>>>>>> need. If you can do the packaging, they can sponsor the uploads
>>> till
>>>>> you
>>>>>>> are approved as an uploader yourself.
>>>>>>> Mark

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