[ubuntu-art] On the art of creating usplash images

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Tue May 30 09:36:40 BST 2006

Op 30-mei-2006, om 10:23 heeft Dennis Kaarsemaker het volgende  
>> The thing is, though, that I feel most people would rather work on
>> doing more revisions to the usplash appearance rather than just a new
>> image for the next release cycle. I too have plans, though not as
>> radically new as some other people's plans, but they involve more
>> things that just changes within the currently existing frame.
> Could you tell me more?

Well, I have still to think about exactly what I'd like to get done  
for Edgy, but I think that it would be a good idea to get a more  
graphically interesting progress bar in, ditch most of the text  
that's in there right now since I believe that the end user would not  
like seeing that sort of thing.

Of course, this is all very preliminary and uncertain. But I do think  
that some of such things are likely to be proposed by the art team in  
the future.

>> P.S.: like I've talked about earlier, both here and in the Ubuntu-
>> devel list, I really think that we should replace the current usplash
>> BDF font with a new one. I already created one a while back which was
>> monospaced. It was too late to get one in for Dapper, but is it
>> possible to sneak in something like that in a Dapper update, or would
>> this be considered to be too big of a change; something an update
>> should not do?
> Maybe in backports. Could you send me the font so I can experiment  
> a bit
> with it (and add it to my patches to make the life of usplash
> maintainers easier since they were planning to integrate it in edgy).
> -- 
> Dennis K.

The font can be found here: http://omega.avalanchestudios.net/ 

If it's possible that it can be included in a later update, I would  
prefer adding some more characters and doing some minor fixes for it  
first, though.


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