[ubuntu-art] LAUNCHPAD: ArtworkTeam

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Mon May 29 21:40:23 BST 2006

On Mon, 2006-05-29 at 21:31 +0100, Mark Shuttleworth wrote:

> Viper550 wrote: 
> > Yeah! Let's get this new, improved, and now mentioned show on the
> > road!
> OK. During UDS-Paris in June we can draft up:
>  - an art team governance plan (roles, responsibilities, appointments
> for Edgy)
>  - a plan of record for Human, Tangerine and perhaps one other
> community-driven theme
> Mark

perhaps one other? What happened to

"For edgy, I will just ignore everyone who sends in their own favourite
artwork. That is not constructive. What is constructive is to identify
two or three clear, distinct theme styles, and then build teams to
polish those up slowly through the course of the release ccle, with
weekly uploads, to the point where they are really classy by the time
you get to release."

Either I misunderstood you before, or I'm not understanding now....or
both? I suspect the community-driven part has something to do with it?
Help!? :-)
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