[ubuntu-art] Re: Urgent: Themes and Icons

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Mon May 29 18:57:33 BST 2006

> Last 5 minutes.
> Currently it stands like this
> Dapper Drake: Axe or Human (I will favour keeping themes if there's a
> draw between axe and icons)
> Silicon: Axe
> Industrial: Tango
> GrayXT: Tangerine
> I can't think of anything more democratic to do in this time frame - sorry all!

OK, done. I'd love someone to try these out (a sceond opinion, they
work here) before I email them to Danial.

Given that two of the themes no longer have an XT component I have
renamed them. I have providied a tarball unrenamed in case Daniel
doesn't want to rename themes (which he suggested he might not)

Enjoy :)
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