[ubuntu-art] Human or Tangerine for Dapper by default?

Julian Oliver julian at selectparks.net
Sat May 27 00:07:37 BST 2006

..on Fri, May 26, 2006 at 09:57:33AM -0400, Jean Pierre Rupp wrote:
> I must say I downloaded today the new artwork upgrade, and the Human
> icons have polished the few rough edges there were. Now it looks much
> better. They've done a great work indeed.

i'd say it's 90% there for sure - it does look great.

that said there are still many 'alien' icons in the set that do add some 
noise to the artwork overall (laptop AC/bat icon and 'support' icons for instance). 
similarly panel icon placement is obviously a bit poor (look at the 
logout button for instance, it's not 'centered' - a pixel or two away from the top 
of the panel). 

considering where Ubuntu was 6 weeks ago however, it's a gigantic improvement.

congrats all!


> El vie, 26-05-2006 a las 11:18 +0200, Michiel Sikma escribi?:
> > Op 26-mei-2006, om 11:05 heeft Who het volgende geschreven:
> > 
> > > I think it is a shame (well, actually, I only really dislike the
> > > folders), but I also think that getting someone to develop an entire
> > > icon theme from scratch, with the sole intention of it being the
> > > Dapper theme and then abandoning it 4 days before release would be
> > > unproductive and harsh! The Tangerine guys have been doing a great job
> > > orangifying Tango, but it was always as an addtional theme and it is
> > > also intrinsically less original than Human...
> > >
> > > Tangerine is available, and is the default icon theme for at least one
> > > of the new metathemes :)
> > 
> > I agree. Human is a pretty good icon set. I personally prefer  
> > Tangerine, although that one's not without problems, too. It's clear  
> > that Tangerine is the only set that can go toe-to-toe with Human, so  
> > we should figure out what it is we want and what it is the community  
> > wants. Human was made for Dapper, and that's why it's in. But Edgy is  
> > different, and if we figure out that Tangerine looks better with what  
> > we make, we'll surely be able to get it to become the next default set.
> > 
> > Michiel

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