[ubuntu-art] Emblems position on Human and Tangerine icon themes

Adolfo González Blázquez agblazquez at telefonica.net
Fri May 26 00:55:18 BST 2006


I send this email to this list just to remind that both Human and
Tangerine icon themes have a ugly bug when positioning emblems. The
supposed behaviour is to start placing the emblems in the down-left
corner, and then add the new emblems counter-clock-wise.

This is how the GNOME theme (and based on this theme) and Tango icon
theme works. But both Human and Tangerine places the first emblem on
top-right, which is ugly.

The bug is caused for this both themes not inheriting the .icon files
from Tango theme. Adding them to the icon theme fix the bug.

This bugs are already filled in Launchpad, and waiting for fix.

Maybe fixing this before Dapper release is a good idea.
Thanks for reading!

-- adolfo
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