[ubuntu-art] My idea for Edgy (warning, lots of ranting!)

Michiel Sikma omega at avalanchestudios.net
Thu May 25 20:17:38 BST 2006

 > Let's just note some things before I get going to work on my suite:
 > - Firstly, we are technically "done" with Dapper artwork wise, its all
 > packaged up, it's all ready to go. We won't have to do any more art for
 > Dapper between RC and Release unless we "really" have to.
 > - I was originally planning for something like this to run in the
 > running for included themes on Dapper, but I forgot all about being
 > wowed by the new Tangerine stuff!
 > I'm about to begin work, I may have a working model by the end of the
 > day if I can, but for now... : )
 > Viper550

We can't have anymore art in Dapper at all, I think. Not even if we 
"really" have to. I think that the final RC has been fully built already.

Also, take your time. Remember, there's a lot of theory in design as 
well, so you might want to go through your art with a checklist before 
calling it "done". You don't usually call something done after a day of 
work, or at least I personally don't. Try to ask yourself everything: is 
the contrast right? Do the checkboxes and drop-down menus stand out 
correctly? Must I have a window border or not? What's the advantage of 
using dark title bar buttons with white symbols?

It'll likely take a while before we start discussing the roadmap for 
Edgy as central theme, so you can take all the time you want to perfect 
your design.


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