[ubuntu-art] Artwork vote results
Mark Shuttleworth
mark at ubuntu.com
Wed May 24 09:44:58 BST 2006
Michiel Sikma wrote:
> For now, let's just be happy that we were able to choose on a couple
> of good themes and churn out good usplash proposals. This kind of
> collaboration and activity is good.
Yes - there have been flashes of brilliance in the team that suggest,
with a bit of leadership, we can produce amazing things for Edgy.
Billy, please don't take my mail as a "chewing out". We made plans for
Human because we did not know what the community would produce, so I've
been able, mostly, to watch as Tangerine came together (a great success)
and as the usplash thing went from chaos (mostly) to organised (mostly).
There was a real bunch of lessons for me in there, in watching the group
rise to the challenge *when it was framed* and also become more
professional when given a framework within which to work.
I'm sorry that the LP vote turned out to be tricky to organise. It's
actually trivial to add a team to LP and then setup a vote if you are
the admin, I did not realise that we didn't have the ubuntu-art team
admin's in the discussion at the time, and that all blew up while I was
at DebConf and not watching mail particularly closely.
My point is this: the art team showed flashes of brilliance when it was
lead. For example, when the u-splash wiki proposals page *structure*
fell into place, we had a bunch of good suggestions, and a vote, and a
decision. Before that, though, we had tons of random images being mailed
to a list with no tracking and more importantly no coordination of the
*correctness* (in terms of scaling, squashing, colour indexing etc) of
those images. Which leads to long threads about wonderful images that
*can't possibly* actually work, given the technology.
I would like to propose that we START the edgy cycle with two things:
(1) A core of Art Team Leaders. Thing of it as an Art Council. It's too
big a job for one volunteer. We need a small group (3-ish) of well
trusted people who know how to package, know how to use revision
control, know about icon formats and can talk to the people behind the
technology (Scott et al) to resolve any technical issues. Because the
art has to *function* too.
(2) One of those folks as Edgy Artist-in-Chief. In other words, one of
them as the final arbiter of the style and look of the
community-contributed theme(s) in Edgy. *Perhaps* even of the default
theme in Edgy. This position of Artist-in-Chief would be for a single
release, going to someone else for hte subsequent release. And the next
time we do a Dapper-style long-term-support release we should have a big
pool of leadership talent to choose from.
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