[ubuntu-art] Artwork vote results

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Tue May 23 14:24:01 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-05-23 at 13:49 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:

> Who wrote:
> > All thorugh this process it was discussed that we were choosing 5
> > themes, and there was no discussion of weighting of votes - why was
> > there such a sudden change?
> OK, So looking back at this post: 
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2006-April/001216.html
> we see that there was talk of two external and three art-team-made 
> themes or vice versa.  Unfortunately this distinction was not carried 
> clearly forward. We now how a mix of both, right?
> It wasn't a sudden change as much as sudden action (with possible flaws) 
> in the lack of any other decisive action. When we are on a time-based 
> release things have to be structured in a certain way. When the project 
> leads ask for a decision by a certain date (May 15th in this case) then 
> a decision needs to be delivered on that day (give a day or two of slack 
> perhaps), otherwise decisions will be taken by other members of the 
> projects, possibly less well informed. The themes were generally ready, 
> and so there was no good reason for delaying them other than an 
> indecision on the selection.
> > So
> > Who is doing the packaging? What does the Art-Team need to do? Gray,
> > afaik has no metatheme yet - does it need to be done (I can do it
> > tonight if it isn't already assigned to someone)?
> That would be great, though I'm suspecting that eve that is cutting it a 
> bit short.
> - Henrik

It was very clear actually. Mark said, post them and choose five.
Agreeing with ubuntu users from the biginning, I came to this list to
help ensure more themes were included. Don't botch that on the last day
because you are confused. We were/are not. Obviously. It takes 5 more
seconds to extract 2 more tarballs into a directory, so do not give
packaging as an excuse. There needs to be 5!
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