[ubuntu-art] Faster Theme Engine...found a good one!

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Wed May 17 21:53:25 BST 2006

Well, you say you needed a faster GTK engine than ClearLooks? Well, I 
found this pretty good one called RezLooks, he basically stripped out 
all the parts from ClearLooks he didn't like (such as rounded corners 
for instance). He says it's faster than ClearLooks CVS because of the 
stripping (ClearLooks from CVS is the new Cairo one, in which 
Ubuntulooks is based off), so that might be pretty good!


This might be a good idea for inclusion, maybe with a recolored version 
of the Human theme with support for this engine? Since for some reason 
you were debating over Mist or Smooth or something like that...


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