[ubuntu-art] Firefox Human theme 0.1 released

Frank Schoep frank at ffnn.nl
Tue May 16 21:54:21 BST 2006

On Tuesday 16 May 2006 22:26, Lukas Sabota wrote:
> No, I'm referring to the round icons a la nautilus with human iconset.

Try setting "use small icons" in the Firefox toolbar. Human only provides 
16x16 versions of these arrows, my script wants 24x24 for a normal toolbar. 
There's a huge list of stuff in several sizes missing from Human and I was 
going to write about it.

The missing stuff can be found in the build logs (compare Human and Tango to 
see what I mean):

I update these regularly because of artwork package updates. Tango at the 
moment is fully complete, Human misses about 53 icons which are now being 
inherited from Tangerine and Tango and some custom ones.

I hope this answers your question. The new icons are in but are only visible 
using small icons, because that's what they are. SVGs or PNGs in 24x24 
(others need different sizes, again see the build log) for these missing 
files would be great.



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