[ubuntu-art] Re: Updated "Minimalistic", patching usplash, sources

Viper550 gthompson at cogeco.ca
Sun May 14 12:54:30 BST 2006

Petr Tomeš wrote:
> 2006/5/14, Frank Schoep <frank at ffnn.nl>:
>> On Saturday 13 May 2006 23:31, Keith Curtis wrote:
>> > When a computer is bootstrapping itself, it has its greatest chance 
>> for
>> > failure. Pretty art is nice, but status text is important.
>> On Saturday 13 May 2006 23:30, Paul Sladen wrote:
>> > Removing the text is a project for edgy.  For dapper we need the 
>> text for
>> > debugging and the LiveCD infrastructure relies on the text-getting 
>> read.
>> On Saturday 13 May 2006 23:41, Viper550 wrote:
>> > Design Wise, a blank screen with just an Ubuntu Logo and a Progress 
>> Bar
>> > seems pretty good. But still, why can't we have a black background?
>> First of all, I'm not suggesting getting rid of all text, just hiding 
>> the
>> things that don't cause trouble. With "no text" I meant no messages like
>> "Starting up..." or "Booting the system...", since I believe they're 
>> rather
>> unnecessary. Text that *is* going to be shown are the FAIL messages plus
>> description.
> I fully agree with you. Windows 3.x didn't annoy users with this "OK"
> messages ten years ago, nor Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista... Not
> only Windows, but Mac OS (X) too. All these systems are keeping users
> informed in detail only about fails/arrors, but not about  dozens
> things, which works without problem.
Just some notes about the splash screens;

Windows 2000 was the only Windows version with a working progress bar on 
the splash screen

Mac OS X versions up to 10.3 did give information about boot progress, 
delivered by a single line of text and a progress bar. But then on 
Tiger, Apple decided to censor the boot progress, giving us just the 
words "Starting Mac OS X" and a progress bar that just filled up at a 
specific rate, not showing the progress at all!


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