[ubuntu-art] Deadline for community art: May 15

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Sat May 13 19:54:15 BST 2006

Billy wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 20:46 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:
>> bvc wrote:
>> > Overall I like the Human icons and it's probably because of the 
>> > shadows. It actually has a shadow and not some unprofessional round 
>> > thing popping out from underneath it, like the svg icons do. For this 
>> > reason alone, Tango and Tangerine are a mess and makes them 
>> > distracting and ugly! If you look at my screenshots with tango and 
>> > tangerine you will see realistic, 'professional' svg shadows.
>> >
>> > Billy
>> Ok, fixed in tango cvs now (thanks jimmac!). I must admit that I never 
>> quite liked the tone in your complains about the shadows, but anyway, 
>> now it's fixed.
>> We're planning on moving over to svg-filters for the shadows once they 
>> are properly implented in Inkscape and when librsvg (almost there) and 
>> ksvg2 renders them perfectly. AndyFitz actually made it working by 
>> inserting a class into a svg file by hand, so it's not that far away. I 
>> really own that man a beer.
>> Will take care of the shadows in Tangerine sometime this weekend.
>> Take care!
>> - Andreas
> I'm happy to see improvement! Might want to consider another important 
> aspect in icons. Perspective. With the gradients in Tango and 
> Tangerine, it's obvious they are not intented to be 2d/flat icons. 
> Adding the perspective element to the shadows has everything to do 
> with not ending up with icons in between 2d/flat and 3d/life and 
> therefore unprofessional.
> Open them in tabs and click between them.
> *Mine*
> http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/~bvc/dapper-xubu/icons/Tango/Tango-SH.png 
> <http://kwh.kernow-gb.com/%7Ebvc/dapper-xubu/icons/Tango/Tango-SH.png>
> -Folder shadow angles in the direction the folder is facing
> -Computer icon has a shadow that is consistent with the folder
> -script icon has a diamond with a shadow that places it infront, 
> making it complete.
> -exec icons on the desktop have a diamond shadow laying down behind it 
> (seem I over did it a little) What is round about a diamond?
> -toolbar icons (old) are standing up instead of having a haze around 
> half of them.
Where can I get hold of the svg's?
- Andreas

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