[ubuntu-art] Deadline for community art: May 15

Billy Billy at cozyteapot.com
Sat May 13 02:02:50 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 20:46 +0200, Andreas Nilsson wrote:

> bvc wrote:
> > Overall I like the Human icons and it's probably because of the 
> > shadows. It actually has a shadow and not some unprofessional round 
> > thing popping out from underneath it, like the svg icons do. For this 
> > reason alone, Tango and Tangerine are a mess and makes them 
> > distracting and ugly! If you look at my screenshots with tango and 
> > tangerine you will see realistic, 'professional' svg shadows.
> >
> > Billy
> Ok, fixed in tango cvs now (thanks jimmac!). I must admit that I never 
> quite liked the tone in your complains about the shadows, but anyway, 
> now it's fixed.
> We're planning on moving over to svg-filters for the shadows once they 
> are properly implented in Inkscape and when librsvg (almost there) and 
> ksvg2 renders them perfectly. AndyFitz actually made it working by 
> inserting a class into a svg file by hand, so it's not that far away. I 
> really own that man a beer.
> Will take care of the shadows in Tangerine sometime this weekend.
> Take care!
> - Andreas

If you want to communicate over the internet you must accept that people
are from all walks of life and communicate in an untold number of ways.
Whether you like that or not doesn't change the fact. I'm short, blunt,
Texan with a capital T, and proud to not be politically correct.
Globally, that's niether right or wrong anymore than how you, or anyone
else, communicates. Internet Etiquette 101.

I'm happy to see improvement! Might want to consider another important
aspect in icons. Perspective. With the gradients in Tango and Tangerine,
it's obvious they are not intented to be 2d/flat icons. Adding the
perspective element to the shadows has everything to do with not ending
up with icons in between 2d/flat and 3d/life and therefore

Open them in tabs and click between them.
-Folder shadow angles in the direction the folder is facing
-Computer icon has a shadow that is consistent with the folder
-script icon has a diamond with a shadow that places it infront, making
it complete.
-exec icons on the desktop have a diamond shadow laying down behind it
(seem I over did it a little) What is round about a diamond?
-toolbar icons (old) are standing up instead of having a haze around
half of them.
-find icon (nautilus) looking glass is too big, but it did need to be
bigger than it was

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