[ubuntu-art] Some help needed from the Documentation Team

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Thu May 4 20:12:14 BST 2006

2006/5/3, Pascal Klein <4pascal at tpg.com.au>:
> Hey Matt,
> Just an update. I had a go at this with some ideas I had recently about
> some splash screens for myself, and they seem to work just as well, if
> not better as a book cover.
> You can find the files on:
> http://klepas.org/temp/ubuntu/ubuntu-doc-cover-front.png
> http://klepas.org/temp/ubuntu/ubuntu-doc-cover-front.svgz
> This is just a draft. I've munted some of the colouration and sizes so
> if you guys like this I'd be happy to polish it. Finally I also had some
> other ideas of perhaps dropping in some faint technical blueprints or
> something of the sort into the background. Would make it more
> interesting personally as right now just having a logo, some text and a
> plain background can get somewhat boring...

The login screen inspiration is good. As you mention yourself, the cover
appears a bit bare.

I dislike the font - it is a minor gripe though - I'm more of a sans-serif
guy :-) I tried experimenting with using the ubuntu-title font more on the
cover, but it looked odd.

I made a few attempts myself - although I'm not proud of it, I'll put one
them out for grabs anyway. Take it mostly as an idea-mockup. If there are
any mathematicians among you guys, you'll surely notice my Springer-Verlag
heritage :-D

Idea: http://grillbar.org/tmp/ubuntu-doc-cover-front-mke-revision2.svgz

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