[ubuntu-art] calendar photo wallpapers

Andy Fitzsimon andyfitz at gmail.com
Tue May 2 12:24:40 BST 2006

okay, so today I got my 20th email asking if i could provide the
modification of one of those calendar photo wallpapers I had in a
screenshot once.

I lost them,  im sorry

with each reply i had given a quick written tutorial on how to alter
the levels , blur, erase and  selective blur. considering i had
thought it would be a no brainer (everyone had access to the calendar

today I quickly gimped them up again (very roughly) and sent them back.

If you dont follow what i mean there is a screenshot

The 6 photo wallpapers are here:

I cant promise they will be there forever. but i'll try and leave them
there for as long as I can.

I have no idea what the photos were licensed under in the first place
but please consider my changes as public domain.

if someone wants to go to the effort of finding permission from the
original authors please let me know if i have to take them down.  on
the flipside also feel free to publish those files anywhere.

erm..... thats it .. have fun!!!!

- Andy

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