[ubuntu-art] Theme update: HeatedGraphite -> Silicon-0.2

Daniel Borgmann daniel.borgmann at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 01:32:52 BST 2006


this is turning out quite well, but please don't use the contrast
option. Just look what it does to the toolbar separator lines. :)
Currently contrast doesn't really do anything useful, maybe we'll
completely change it's function later. And since you use a dark
selection color for text, you should probably also make the text on
menus white for better contrast (or make the background on selected
menu items even lighter. I'd personally prefer a lighter text
selection color all around).

Regarding your metacity theme, I kinda like the red highlight on the
close button with this colorscheme. The overlay expands one pixel too
far to the left though and if it covers the borders on the left and
right, it should also cover the borders at the top and bottom. You
should always check these kind of things with xmag. :)

For consistency sake I would also suggest to drop the separator line
on inactive windows, unless that's a feature you feel strongly about.
Oh and shaded windows are still round, you probably want to change
that. One more thing: You use the old version of the icons without a
dark outline. It isn't very noticeable since the background is dark as
well, but I would still suggest to use the new pixmap icons. I've
attached you a version based on the latest (and hopefully final) work
in progress with squared corners and your red-button hack, hopefully
you'll find it useful.

BTW, I also posted a monochrome version of Human here some time ago:

When I posted this, I had something like Apple's Graphite in mind;
Just a neutral version of the default theme, otherwise exactly the
same. I'm not happy with the metacity theme color anymore though and
Human has progressed a little since then. I still think it would be a
good idea to ship one theme that is exactly the same as the default
but without the orange hue, but it's probably not so important if
Dapper will ship with a bunch of great community themes already.


On 3/27/06, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup at daimi.au.dk> wrote:
> I updated the HeatedGraphite theme.
> First on foremost - I've changed the name to "Silicon". Then there are a
> ton of minor tweaks, but let's not get lost in details - try it out!
> Theme: http://www.skim.dk/Silicon/Silicon-0.2.tar.gz
> Icons: http://www.skim.dk/HeatedGraphite/Tango-Aluminum.tar.gz
> Wallpaper: http://www.skim.dk/Silicon/ubuntu-silicon.png [1]
> Screenie: http://www.skim.dk/Silicon/Silicon.png
> [1]: Save the wallpaper in /usr/share/wallpapers for the theme to pick
> it up automagically [2].
> [2]: Maybe the Human theme should use this trick too?
> The wiki pages are of course updated accordingly. You'll (also) find
> everything you need on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam/Silicon.
> Cheers,
> Mikkel
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