[ubuntu-art] Dapper Splashes

Étienne Bersac bersace03 at free.fr
Thu Mar 9 18:29:48 GMT 2006


Be sure I don't think you're wrong !

> I wanted to make a splash that was clearly for a development version -
> so I needed some English - but the wording could be anything else - is
> there a list of 'translatable phrases' sopmewhere?
Yes, but for now, i think we need a final theme ! You're art and  
ideas are welcome ! Do you want to help building the final theme for  
dapper or just offer piece of artwork for bêta testers ? ;)

>> french people <don't> know what "dapper drake" means.
> I thought Dapper Drake was the international code name for Ubuntu
> 6.04, and thus wouldn't need translating? sorry if I'm wrong about
> this.
This is not authoritative, but : the official name is Ubuntu 6.04,  
"dapper drake" is the codename. See http://www.ubuntu.com/news/ 
release510 . Of course, this codename is not a secret :). I wish we  
should avoid using it for artwork and prefer 6.04. Wait for  

>> I wish designers will consider i18n in their artwork.
> You're right...this is my first submission, and I had to google i18n
> to be sure of what it was - I hadn't really considered it would apply
> to BGs and Splashes!
> Is there any way, short of making many different splashes, of having
> translated text?
Currently, gnome-session does not handle translatable string like gdm  
is able to.

>>   * Is Yellow part of the "Human" palette ?
> Yes - it is 'Orange Highlight'

In general, i think your splash is a bit dark. Maybe this will be  
easier to measure this with a gdm theme. Think to build a global  
artwork : usplash theme, gdm, bg, splash, gtk, metacity and icons.  
This is hard. You should begin with big piece of the artwork instead  
of concentrating first on a very tiny part of it such as the gnome- 
session splash.


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