[ubuntu-art] Quick Update

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sun Jun 25 15:31:02 BST 2006

Lot's of mail.  I tried to boil down a few relevant quotations
and their relevant Paris information:

On Mon, 2006-19-06 at 09:44 -0500, Matthew Nuzum wrote:
> You know what would be sweet... Illustrator has that new-ish feature
> where you can genereate an artwork template and then have it create
> variations of the artwork based on a database...

This notion of working on variations is very common and is
included in many art education documents.  Hence, it is also
built into the Design Document.  Further, the Design Document
also addresses the scheduling breakdowns related to the 
Ubuntu development cycle.

On Tue, 2006-20-06 at 16:23 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
The Human set was used in Dapper with Tango being an optional choice.  
> A lot of discussion preceded this choice. We must ask 
> yourselves: what  
> are the rationale for usage of either icon theme? What are the pros  
> and cons of Human and Tangerine/Tango?

This will require some new language.

Basically, Human icons are in and staying -- as per sabdfl.
This will be a component of the 'Human Look', which is what
we are sticking with (albeit trying to finish it, polish it,
and finish the set.)

'Outdoor Look' will probably be specced in this cycle for
development.  It will not be included in default packaging
until it is complete.

On Wed, 2006-21-06 at 20:38 +0100, j michaelson wrote:
i've asked on the inkscape users list if the ubuntu human pallete can
> be included in inkscape and i've also put in a official feature
> request here...

Information:  Inkscape can import GIMP palettes, and as such
a palette already exists, this is already complete.

On Thu, 2006-22-06 at 10:02 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
> I don't exactly know what you mean; do you mean that since there's a  
> "policy of independence", this idea should not be implemented (if  
> possible or viable at all), or that since the different flavors of  
> Ubuntu _can_ be totally different (but don't have to), this idea  
> _can_ be implemented if we want to go through with it? 

Right now, we must clean up our own house in a professional
manner.  To this end, there are precisely _four_ specifications
targetted for Edgy release.  Edgy is a tight schedule, so 
getting these four out the door will be an exercise in working
together, scheduling breakdowns, and process implementation.
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