[ubuntu-art] Icon discussion

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 21 16:11:31 BST 2006

On 6/20/06, Michiel Sikma <michiel at thingmajig.org> wrote:
> Let's open up this discussion again with Edgy in mind. There are
> currently two viable sets that can be used: the Human set and the
> Tangerine/Tango set.

What are your reasons for selecting these two, other than the fact
they are currently included in Ubuntu?

I am personally a big fan of the NuoveXT icons by Alexander Moore. If
the license was right and we had access to the SVGs do other people
think there is any possibility of also considering these - giving us 3
to choose from?

Admittedly, two Michiel mentioned are both 'Ubuntu Coloured' -
however, while we know we aren't going to change far from the current
Ubuntu colour scheme/identity, we may still need to do quite a lot of
work to get these icons to fit properly in anyway, especially if we
get less shiny...

To put forward some pros for NuoveXT as Michiel did for the others:
- No other distros use it or a similar theme
- Available for KDE and Gnome with no extra work (and if we are to
follow through on the specifications that aim to unify the *buntus
this will be important
- Realistic icons akin but not too similar to other modern operating systems
- Though we don't have them, they must be SVGs originally as Sa-Ki
states they were made with Inkscape (and on Ubuntu, if his post at
Gnome-look is correct)

I have CCd Alexandre Moore ( I hope that isn't against some kind of
list etiquette I am unaware of) in the hope he may clear up some
issues about the icons' license and whether the SVGs are available for
download anywhere.

http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=26448 says that
they are under the GPL which I believe means that the 'sourcecode' -
I.E the svgs - should be available...

What do you all think?


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