[ubuntu-art] Wrong metacity

Andrea cimi86 at alice.it
Mon Jun 19 23:11:58 BST 2006

Chuck Huber wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 22:17 +0200, Andrea wrote:
>> Hi I'm Andrea Cimitan (aka Cimi). Yesterday I've installed ubuntu on my
>> father's PC and I've seen that a theme of mine (Gray) was added (i don't
>> know when) to the ufficial ubuntu-artwork package. I was happy for this. :)
> Hi Andrea,
> wow, you chose the right distribution and we chose the right theme and
> it all came together on dad's computer for Father's Day.  That's quite a
> coincidence.  :)
> About changing the gtk from Candido to Gray, at this point, since the CD
> has been released and people are using the current version as is, my
> feeling is it wouldn't be such a wise thing to do.  
> However, there is always Edgy and the plans for that are being discussed
> now.  If possible, stick around and I bet you'll find plenty you can
> assist with during this development cycle.
> btw, I really like your Stripped gtk2 as well.  It's a bit slow for
> everyday use but very easy on the eyes as well.
Waiting till edgy release was already in my plans... I have also the 
will to contribute with a custom ubuntu edgy theme... if someone wants 
my works.
I also know that ubuntu is a distro that is very updated, and people 
like me update our distros every day... so with that advice I think that 
this issue can be fixed in the ubuntu-artwork*.deb package... am I 
correct? Or, other idea, I can release a Gray-Selected :D theme by 
modifing Candido-Selected with the contrast required in Gray (and also 
the issue with the menubar).
I HATE imperfections, that's the reason why you can find only perfect 
pixmaps in my themes... yes the people can dislike my tastes but I've 
never released a theme if I don't consider it "perfect" in pixmap and 

Said this I'll stop my monologue...

Byez, Cimi.

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