[ubuntu-art] Updated Cursor

Michiel Sikma michiel at thingmajig.org
Mon Jun 19 08:41:14 BST 2006

Op 19-jun-2006, om 3:00 heeft Chuck Huber het volgende geschreven:

> On Sun, 2006-06-18 at 15:58 +0200, Michiel Sikma wrote:
>> For one, and this has nothing to do with your cursor design, but  
>> what is
>> exactly the reason why we're making new cursors? At the risk of  
>> sounding
>> closed-minded, I feel as though the cursors we have are great, or
>> definitely good enough to fulfill their purpose.
> Though they do fulfill their purpose I'd say there is room for
> improvement.  I would like to see something similar to the Polar  
> cursors
> which come in 2 different sizes so you choose the appropriate size for
> your screen.
> To me cursors deserve the same attention as any other icon since they
> are used for every single mouse click from the time of install onward.
> They should be easily identifiable, functional and beautiful.
> The current icons are functional and much prettier than the old  
> crooked
> and aliased MS cursors but there certainly have been improvements  
> since
> these were created as well.
> -- 
> Chuck Huber <chuck at lagunadata.com>

Please be more specific. So there have been improvements to the  
design of the cursor. I personally haven't noticed any. Which  
improvements do you mean? Surely the cursors deserve attention, but  
they absolutely shouldn't be the victim of overly active designers  
who don't really know how to improve their usability but still wish  
to make _some_ changes to them for the sake of change. That's why I'd  
personally be careful on making changes to them.


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