[ubuntu-art] RFC: Ubuntu 6.06 Improvement Review

Niel Drummond niel at cyanescent.co.uk
Sun Jun 11 23:01:57 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 22:51 +0200, Frank Schoep wrote:
> On the current splash screen the Ubuntu logo is shown in a tangerine color 
> which doesn't match any of the official colors. That is bad. Good thing is 
> that only one or two colors are used to prevent aliasing because of the 13 
> color limit.
> Branding the logo using all colors won't succeed with usplash, especially not 
> considering the proposed "delayed fade" concept which needs a gradual 
> gradient of colors from back- to foreground.
> The splash you talk about with all the colors in it was horrible by any 
> standards (sorry if I just offended someone). There was more wrong with it 
> than the "correct" branding could make up for.
> "Minimalistic", which I created in an attempt to demo a textless boot, takes 
> all points I wrote down in consideration, even including the color gradient 
> palette for fading text items. I fail to see where it is inconsistent with my 
> review document.

I have not seen the minimalistic nor the colourful usplash versions, but
I think having # colours of a 16 colour palette reserved for fading
seems a little expensive. Afterall, at some point we will want to
include a Grub splash screen (at least I will), which similarly has a 16
colour palette limit.. without any animation. We would also want this
screen to "fit" with the usplash screen, which follows directly after. 
Can we not use blinking instead of fading? 


- Niel Drummond

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