[ubuntu-art] DEV CYCLE: TARGETS

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Sat Jun 10 21:40:09 BST 2006

On Sat, 2006-10-06 at 14:12 -0500, Billy wrote:

> A complete Tango/Tangerine would be nice before venturing out. As long
> as it takes, I don't see how anyone could suggest other icon themes,
> especially after having icon themes cut from us on dapper. Lets keep
> it realistic and managable. Completing the already mentioned 2 or 3
> will be more than enough. Don't lower the quality by added more, when
> more than 3 isn't even an option and Mark wants 2 before attempting 3.
> -Billy

I would prefer to get the entire Ubuntu default artwork in 
order before doing _anything_ else.  That said, if we can
leverage existing simple concepts such as Andreas' notion,
it would seem like a relatively simple addition with limited

Frank's document pretty much hits on all the points.  We
need to have a motif and a centralized thematic before
worrying about specific details.  Otherwise it's hodge
podge city again.

Hence the dev cycle:  targets thread.  We need to see
exactly what we can accomplish.  I do think fresh wallpaper,
splashes, etc, are manageable.  Minor tweaks to the wm
display to unify, etc.  Not an entire icon set by a long
long long way.  Although it is possible and plausible to set
something like this into motion during Edgy and see how it
progresses towards the next release.

Again, my priority is to get the entire Ubuntu look and feel
in line, which is currently isn't.  Having other themes
isn't going to help our focus, and I only really can see
progress on the default install.

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