[ubuntu-art] DEV CYCLE: TARGETS

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Sat Jun 10 13:54:52 BST 2006

Who wrote:

> Items I've added have an @ preceeding them
> -=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Targets for Edgy:
> *  USplash
> *  GDM Logon
> *  GDM Splash
> *  GNOME Wallpaper
> *  Window Color / Theme
> @ GTK Theme (probably incremental improvements on Human)
> @ KDE Theme that integrates well with the GTK Theme
> @ Panel bg image (if it improves the general look and feel - it's so 
> easy)
> *  Mouse Cursors
> *  Selective Icons
>     Icons are a massive undertaking, but I believe
>     that Frank has highlighted some good areas that
>     we could get minor adjustments in for a more
>     cohesive look and feel.
> @ Same icons for KDE and Gnome to increase cohesiveness
> @ Get additional icon themes included

I have a small comment about the additional icon themes. What about 
making icon themes for normal people, like Bobby who is ten years old 
and that is facinated by space and would like to become a austronaut 
when he grows up, or George who is 35 years old and like football?
Here is Everaldos redskins set to illustrate what I mean: 
A theme could then consist of 4-5 of these special icons, but in the 
same style as the regular theme, to not look out of place.
Only computer/art nerds worry about if the icon theme has a tilted 
folder, some extra gloss or whatever.
- Andreas

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