[ubuntu-art] Help needed for creating gnome default theme...

Indraveni indraveni at yahoo.co.in
Wed Jul 19 10:03:28 BST 2006


 I dont know whether this is the correct place to ask this question or not. If not someone please redirect me to the correct mailing list..
 I have seen in ubuntu you have created the Human theme and it is coming by default when I installed Ubuntu. Where as all other gnome desktop themes are left the same. I want to know how ubuntu is doing this? Where you are making the Human theme as default. I checked  ubuntu gnome themes and ubuntu gnome-themes-extras package source, I dint find any human theme defined in it. 
 Just for knowledge I want to know how ubuntu is creaeting a theme and making it as default theme after installation. 

Can anyone teach me How to make a theme default after we install the OS. 

 Project Engineer,
 CDAC -Chennai.

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