[ubuntu-art] art.ubuntu.com

Luka Čehovin luka.cehovin at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 15:00:33 BST 2006

On 7/14/06, Jane Silber <jane.silber at canonical.com> wrote:
> Hi folks -
> I just noticed that art.ubuntu.com was shut down. I understand the
> priority of getting the wiki in order and applaud your efforts there.
> But what's the matter with leaving a place where community people can
> contribute wallpapers?  Those submissions don't necessarily need to be
> part of the process of selecting what goes on the CD, but people like to
> create wallpapers, share them, download them, etc and you are
> effectively turning away people who want to express their enjoyment of
> Ubuntu through making wallpapers.
> Not all of the art process is about making the distro, and
> art.ubuntu.com provides a place where people can contribute wallpapers
> without getting involved in the more formal process of artwork for a
> specific release, and we should support both types of contributions.
> It is also causing confusion internally - the Marketing team is now
> talking about creating a new site like art.ubuntu.com where people can
> contribute wallpapers (not as "consider this for the default artwork"
> but as in "I did this, it's cool, others might like it").
> My opinion is that by shutting that site to contributions you have
> closed the door to valuable community contributions and energy.  What's
> the argument against re-opening it?

Hi Jane,

I am (was) on of the admins of the AUC. There is no argument against
reopening it. The only problem is the admin interface which is kind of
a pain to handle (manual thumbnail creation and uploading)...
therefore we have lost interest in accepting new submissions (too much
time to approve a single one ... especially icons and splashes). There
are two options how to bring AUC back to life:
1. to find some people with masochistic tendencies who will accept
submissions on the current CMS
2. to find a new CMS and install it...

we have found 0 candidates for the first option and the second one
requires some time ... so the choice has been made to put AUC to deep
deep sleep and postpone its upgrade till post-Edgy (i think). If
someone is willing to do some research on alternative CMSs he/she is
more than welcome to post the results here on ML

i hope that the reason for closing the AUC is now a bit more clear ...


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