[ubuntu-art] Mark's Comments on Branding

Michiel Sikma michiel at thingmajig.org
Mon Jul 3 09:37:45 BST 2006

Op 3-jul-2006, om 10:31 heeft Mark Shuttleworth het volgende geschreven:

> You're absolutely right - for non-default wallpapers we could relax  
> this criterion. However, the number of wallpapers we can include on  
> the installation CD is limited by space. I'm not sure, for example,  
> if Dapper includes any non-default wallpapers.
> Mark

I can't check right now, but I think it has two non-default ones.  
That's not much. It's really too bad that those darn CDs are so  
small, since it's always fun for users to check around their control  
panels and see which of the included wallpapers they like best. I'm  
also not entirely impressed by the non-default wallpapers, but that's  
another story...


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