[ubuntu-art] [ANNOUNCEMENT] Happy 100th people!

Troy James Sobotka troy.sobotka at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 14:02:11 BST 2006

Rather incredible, but we have hit 100 people on 
the Launchpad team!  That is pretty impressive work
considering where we have come from.

Congratulations to all for stimulating the progress!
It has resulted in a good deal of buzz on the
web, which is wonderful for our momentum.

To all the newer folks -- it is quite easy to jump
in and produce some output for Edgy.  Our AiC 
Frank has provided the design guidelines at


and it should be relatively straightforwards to
combine the elements Frank has requested into a 
set matching our specifications for Edgy here:


Thanks to all who manage to combine the work to meet
the design specifications.


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