[ubuntu-art] Edgy Kubuntu coloring

Nathan Eckenrode neckenrode at gmail.com
Thu Aug 24 13:15:13 BST 2006

This is specifically addressed to Ken, as I believe that he is in charge of 
the Kubuntu art project. I am wondering about some artwork which comes within 
the KDE package, specifically all the splash screens within the applications 
that open up, like the ABout pages of Kmail, Aggregakor, Konqi and such. 

Are these all going to be purplized (violetated? mauved?)  for Edgy? If so 
what sort of progress has been made in this regard, as I would not like to 
repeat anyoneelse's work but am willing to make the changes to these items.

Furthermore, I have found all the top-right-$APPLICATION.png and have changed 
some of mine locally just to see, but this leaves 3/4 of the about page in 
the originial blue. Do the other changes happen within the HTML document that 
displays that page?


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