[ubuntu-art] Progress update on the community process

Who mailforwho at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 10 16:36:16 BST 2006

On 8/10/06, Michiel Sikma <michiel at thingmajig.org> wrote:
> Op 10-aug-2006, om 17:15 heeft Who het volgende geschreven:
> > Are there going to be any modifactions to the Human engine this
> > release cycle? I recall that the clearlooks developers made it in the
> > UI sprint for dapper - right?, the bug I posted on Launchpad seems to
> > have had no love so I wondered whether there was a maintainer? there
> > are a few things that I believe would be easy for someone familiar
> > with the code to hack in and that would make a nice difference to
> > Blubuntu - for example shiny (not just normal gradient) menu bars and
> > some progressbar modifications modificatrions (as well as the fixes
> > for shiny scrollbars)...
> >
> > Looking forward to the new direction email :)
> >
> > Who
> I too am wondering about the technical aspects of the Human theme/
> engine. I've worked out a possible future theme for Human before
> (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/PolishHumanGTKTheme/
> Incoming#head-f092ea306a546788b86b8227a87ef7faa5ba78de - direct link
> to picture here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/
> PolishHumanGTKTheme/Incoming?
> action=AttachFile&do=get&target=michielgtk3.png - it's an early
> version).

That is nice - I love the progressbars and the idea of using orange on
the dropdown boxes (though I worry these are a little to similar to
OSX widgets) but imo the very slight rounding that we have on the
buttons at the moment is better than the larger radious curves on your
mock up. Did you consider using glassy scrollbars?

> Of course, what I've made is only a suggestion, but if it turns out
> that some would like to see some of those things in the final version
> of the Human theme polishing, we're left wondering whether it's
> possible at all to do such changes.
> I myself still know nothing about making themes. I made that mock-up
> hoping that someone would pick it up and make it into a real, working
> theme in case the need is there.

Well, Cimi seems to have been reading the list recently _and_ making
Murrine and Candido engines - which I believe to be derived from
Clearlooks in the same way Human is...Perhaps we can entice him into
submitting the odd patch ;)

> Michiel


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