[ubuntu-art] Re: Default themes

Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen mikkel.kamstrup at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 08:28:13 BST 2006

2006/4/29, bvc <bvcmdk at yahoo.com>:
> *�tienne Bersac <bersace03 at laposte.net>* wrote:
> Hello,
> > OK, so in addition to the internal development, can we ask the art
> > team to vote for the top TWO only existing themes that should be in
> > there with Human?
> We might also consider a theme for less resources computer such as
> SandSkater.
> �tienne.
> How did we go from three to TWO?
> and
> How can we vote when there's only one commited theme (SandSkater)?
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam/AdditionalThemes?highlight=%28theme%29
> ...and it isn't even close to being default quality IMO. Is the mist
> engine installed by default? I've had this install since warty-beta so I do
> not know.

I ran into some problems with SandSkater, and the whole theme-fuzz seemed to
go out of the list at some point, and frankly I lost my motivation on lack
of feedback (also, some serious stuff happened in my personal life at that
time, so ubuntu-art is not all to blame).

I think Silicon is nice
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTeam/Silicon?highlight=%28silicon%29
> but it isn't commited, and it uses ubuntulooks. Not that I have a problem
> with that. I proposed a few ubuntulooks schemes but no one commented.

I'm sorry that I have not found time to revier your themes bvc - especially
because you are very kind with your feedback yourself - but real life has
made 95% of my foss activities come to a grinding halt.

I mean, what exaclty are we looking for? A pure gtk theme (no engine)? Some
> would probably appreciate that in a newer color scheme than the old gray and
> dull blue.
> What's wrong with the smooth engine? Other than the fact that one hasn't
> been proposed?
> What engines are currently installed by default? Don't forget to remove
> the ones that go with the themes you remove. They are old and outdated
> anyway, and can be installed from another packages if people want them. It
> is a pain the scroll through so many unused metathemes to find one you want.
> If you deleted them you get them back next update, so yes, please remove
> most of the old default themes and engines. I can't even say I haven't used
> them in a long time, because I have never, ever , used them and don't know
> anyone who has. All the useless metathemes is the reason I have never used
> the metatheme feature. It would be a great feature if there were several
> tasteful metathemes to choose from and you didn't have to scroll through so
> many bad ones.

My words.

The whole theme state of affairs is a bit sad imo. We really had some
momentum at some point, but it seemed to fade out. I really put some energy
into it - setting up wiki pages and commiting a few themes my self, but I
felt that I was overdoing it since people never really bought into it.

I really hope we can polish up the theme side of dapper.

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