[ubuntu-art] Some help needed from the Documentation Team

Matthew East mdke at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 24 00:25:32 BST 2006

Hello Art-team!

The documentation team, as you may know, produces guides for Ubuntu[1].
We currently have a Desktop Guide for Ubuntu and Kubuntu, a Server Guide
(for *buntu) and a Packaging Guide (again, for *buntu).

[1] http://doc.ubuntu.com

We're looking at making some printed copies of these guides available
via Lulu[2]

[2] http://www.lulu.com

So we need the help of the art team in two tasks.

First of all, the book cover: we need to provide a book cover, and that
means designing one. One of our members has done some designs. Can you
look at them and see what you think? He can make the svg's available, if
you want to hack around.


Secondly, we need some greyscale admonition icons (for warnings, notes
etc) in the guides. Currently, the documents we use have some rather
large and poorly done icons, would anyone be able to make 5 greyscale
icons that we could use in the documents? Have a look at what we
currently use in the pdf version of the guide[3], and in our
repository[4]. The new icons would ideally be a bit smaller than these,
I think. If you can help, I'll give more precise details.

[3] http://mdke.org/ubuntu/desktopguide.pdf (see page 9 of the pdf)
[4] https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos/branches/dapper/common/admon-pdf/

If you'd like to make some nice colour ones too for use in the html and
xml versions of the documents, that would also be lovely, but it's not
as high priority.

Thanks for reading, and if you can help, that would be awesome!!

mdke at ubuntu.com
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