[ubuntu-art] tango icons request

Andreas Nilsson nisses.mail at home.se
Sat Apr 15 02:28:42 BST 2006

Sebastian Heinlein wrote:
> hello beloved artists and designers,
> it would be nice to have a tangerine icon for the update-manager and the
> software properties, too. the tango one seems to be too generic and the
> current one can be hardly identified at small sizes.
By the tango-one, do you mean this one?
And by the current one you mean the ubuntu-disc and the globe, right?
Just to get clear on what icons we are talking about (it's easy to mix 
stuff up).

Anyway, I'll try to get the one from tango into tangerine asap (as there 
are currently two actions in the Administration menu using the 
disc-and-globe icon and that is pretty confusing), and if anything 
better shows up I'll use that instead.
- Andreas

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