[ubuntu-art] Orange

Steven Johnson swj_ms at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 14 00:17:24 BST 2006

I just don't get it!

Why not light brown and light green?  I see whats going on here, since I have been following Ubuntu since Warty.  You want to get peoples attention with these bright ugly colors, but guess what-you already have our attention.  Please consider using light brown and light green for the default colors.  Who would disagree with these colors?

These are my reasons:

1. Light brown and light Green is not Blue ;)
2. Earthly colors and I do not think it would offend Ubuntu users
3. Orange is not a universally liked color

I know I can change the theme to whatever color(s) I want, but I want Ubuntu to be the best and to be the best you have to look like the best.

Thank you,

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