[ubuntu-art] Inconsistence of gradients and artwork colors

bvc bvcmdk at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 1 23:46:57 BST 2006

I can understand different elements and it's nice to bring these out, but the current progressbar is...I don't know what it is (2 lines with a mid-to-top gradient?). It most definately needs to be smoothed out and in doing so will automatically look more like the titlebar, so, just make it like the titlebar. I can't recall anyone saying they like it, All comments about it have been negative, so obviously something is wrong and it doesn't make sense to keep it as it is.


Daniel Borgmann <daniel.borgmann at gmail.com> wrote: We use different gradients for a reason, each element has its own
design requirements. Plastering the same gradient everywhere would
look horrible and I'd be strongly opposed to it.


On 4/1/06, Petr Tome� 
> Hello,
> at first I would like to excuse me of publicate my suggests on Malone:
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntulooks/+bug/37606
> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ubuntulooks/+bug/37608
> I thought them could be marked as wishlist, but were rejected and I
> was suggested to post my opinion here.
> Inconsistence of gradients
> Almost each part of artwork uses different direction of gradient.
> There is some direction on the title bars, but there is entirely
> different on selected menu items and there is totally different on
> progress bars, there is different on tool tips and so on. On gradients
> type used on tooltips each character has a bit different background
> color than others. On selected menu items gradient the top part of
> items has otheAlmost each part of artwork uses different direction of
> gradient. There is some direction on the title bars, but there is
> entirely different on selected menu items and there is totally
> different on progress bars, there is different on tool tips and so on.
> On gradients type used on tooltips each character has a bit different
> background color than others. On selected menu items gradient the top
> part of items has other color than the bottom part.
> I think one the gradient type should be used everywhere, and it could
> be the one on title bars, because it is equally spread around each
> character color than the bottom part.
> -----
> Inconsistence of artwork colors
> There is presented artwork improvements on
> http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/flight6#head-e57be60d8115b73af9704b1db0d18723d81554ae
> But everybody can see, that there is different shades of colors in
> different pieces of artwork. E.g. there is one shade of color on title
> bars, but another on progress bars and totally another on
> notifications.
> I think to be dapper drake really dapper, it should be used some color
> generator to create adequate pallete of colors, which go together very
> well (or go together better than the currently used colors at least):
> http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
> I am convinced this changes couldn't lead to less atractivity of
> Ubuntu, but it could lead to more polished artwork. On the other hand
> I will respect any discussed conclusion, of course. I am looking
> forwards to your reviews and opinions.
> Greetings
> Petr Tome�,
> Ubuntu CZ - http://www.ubuntu.cz/
> --
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