[ubuntu-art] NewBie

Vijay Kishan vijaykishan at yahoo.com
Tue Sep 27 22:41:22 CDT 2005

Hello all,

   I am new to this "Open-Source" Art part of it. I
used to contibute to the kernel code/documentation
some time back. I have photography as my hobby and
want to contribute some good photographs to Ubuntu Art
as this is one distribution which I found to be close
to nature.

   I would like to know

   * what is the maximum res accepted as wallpaper
(Typically my pictures are 3xxx,2xxx size for print

   * what is the criteria for acceptance

   * Is png the only format that the pic needs to be
submitted in ?

   * Is the Ubuntu Logo mandatory on all pics ?

  I would like to present a small'er version of the
picture I would love submit to the ubuntu art under
the Creative Commons license. Let me know your where
to upload the same.

Thanks for your time
-Vijay Kishan

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