[ubuntu-art] 2 things.

Pascal Klein 4pascal at tpg.com.au
Tue Sep 13 01:56:00 CDT 2005

Hi list.

I just read over the recent comments and great suggestions for an 
Ubuntu-styled version of GAIM, through splash and icons. I think this is a 
great idea. I've done my own 'splash' for GAIM, findable here:
- http://wombat.nuxified.com/files/gaim.png
- http://wombat.nuxified.com/files/logo_0.png

Second thing, more concerning art.ubuntu.com, I find that we have a submitted 
"theme", more or less a mock-up for a GDM theme for Breezy. It looks quite 
stunning, and I think would do if it was put up for the public before Breezy 
is released, however not under a finished theme (it's not even that, it's a 

Could we look at perhaps splitting themes down to GDM, splashes, Metacity 
themes, GTK themes and such (I suppose this was planned anyway, and it could 
probably already be that it's being worked on...)?

I really would like a section for mockups. :o)

Cheers and kind regards,
Pascal Klein

Pascal Klein
Wombat - [http://wombat.nuxified.com]

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