[ubuntu-art] art.ubuntu.com (regarding CMSs)

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Thu Sep 8 07:22:16 CDT 2005

volvoguy wrote:

>If this is for general artwork that people are doing for themselves
>and not for release, I don't really see the point. It's easy to set up
>a free website somewhere and we can have a page on the wiki that
>points to the various artists work.
>If this is for artwork destined to become official artwork for a
>release, I still don't see the need for a forum or bulletin board.
>Each artist could maintain their own artwork page on the wiki, or we
>could have wiki pages for each subject (backgrounds, splash, icons,
OK, good point. Let's keep it focused. We can start by organising the 
wiki pages a bit better for this purpose (there is no CategoryArtwork, 
for a start). We should set up pages for mock-ups in different 
categories (such as gdm) so we can meet that need. Artists can set up 
their own wiki pages as you say and link to the stuff they are working 
on in the wiki and to their finnished items on art.ubuntu.com. Once we 
have this organised some useful pages in the wiki then I can make some 
links from the left-hand menu on a.u.c directly into the wiki pages 
under the heading 'Development'.

That also answers the question: should a.u.c be mostly for end-users or 
art development (A: we'll focus devel in the wiki). Cool. Remember the 
current wiki is quite flexible. We can add lots of attachments, use 
categories, tables of contents, talk pages. It may well be that it can 
fill most of our needs.

- Henrik

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