[ubuntu-art] ubuntu-art vs. gnome's artweb-list

volvoguy volvoguy at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 03:55:52 CDT 2005

Hey all. Thomas from over on Gnome's artweb mailing list has made a
suggestion about eliminating duplicate emails that I think we all
ought to follow.

Anything "Ubuntu Artwork" specific should stay here on our own
ubuntu-art mailing list.

Anything related to bugs, enhancements, and technical, website
specific issues should be discussed on Gnome's own artweb mailing


Doing this will help keep both our websites as up to date and bug free
as possible, without bothering the Gnome folks about Ubuntu matters
that really don't concern them. If you're just going to be an Ubuntu
artist, stick around here. If you want to help with the code and
functionality of the AGO (art.gnome.org) and AUC (art.ubuntu.com)
websites, I suggest also signing up on their mailing list.



Ubuntu SVG Artwork - http://www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton

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