[UBUNTU-ART] Breezy Badger Logo Contest? / Medicine Mask / Hi!

Nicholas nicholas at nburmandesign.com
Sat Jul 23 10:39:21 CDT 2005

I think there are one or two problems with 'medicine mask' that strike 
me first of all. One is the format. The width/height ratio makes it too 
incongruous with the name to work in many applications. The other is 
the African implications. Ubuntu is African by name not usage. When I'm 
using Ubuntu there is nothing African about it. The term is African, 
yes, but thats where it ends. I certainly wouldnt push the African 
theme any more than just the root of the word. The original icon works 
as a derivative of an illustration of community, which is more what 
Ubuntu is about.

Nicholas Burman
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On 22-Jul-05, at 7:16 AM, Nikolai Dunkel wrote:

> thanks a lot, andy!
> as I've said before, its wonderful to have a proper "authority" now
> for art-related causes, and not just have lots of "little guys" asking
> the same question on the forums... the "authortiy" has enough weight
> to put behind a query like this, and may therefore get an answer,
> while us little people dont!
> and I'll get to updating my medicine mask:D
> have you seen the wiki?
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com//UbuntuLogoMascotSuggestionMedicineMask
> cheers! n.
> On 7/22/05, Andy Fitzsimon <andyfitz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Nikolai,
>> I'll ask around and see what happened.
>> you're not annoying,  just passionate.
>> do some more concept artwork.
>> personally im freaked by the idea but would really like to see how the
>> idea matures.
>> take it easy mate
>> Cheers
>> Andy
>> On 7/16/05, Nikolai Dunkel <bahamutdunkel at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> hey everyone!
>>> my name is nikolai, and I'm that annoying guy who keeps pushing his 
>>> idea of
>>> a new logo/mascot for ubuntu: the medicine mask!
>>> heres what I'm talking about:
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=554
>>> I made a lot of wallpapers/alternative suggestions on this thread:
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21702&page=1&pp=10
>>> does ANYBODY know what happened to that breezy badger mascot/logo 
>>> contest???
>>> I entered, and nobody has heard ANYTHING about it yet!!!
>>> cheers, n.
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> -- 
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com//UbuntuLogoMascotSuggestionMedicineMask
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