[ubuntu-art] New user (yet another)

volvoguy volvoguy at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 18:43:15 CDT 2005

On 7/18/05, YetZero <yetzero at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've noted that on the wiki pages it's still a bit confusing to find
> areas where you can apply to participate. Maybe one non-wiki webpage
> could be useful, if no one is working on it yet, I can manage to do
> it. If there's anything else I can help, please tell. That's it. Bye.

Welcome Luis! We're still waiting for our own server from Canonical
for a super-detailed art team site. I picture the current wiki talking
about how wonderful it is to be part of the group (and not necessarily
a programmer) and the basics about what we're working on, and then our
own site will have more details.

Having said that though, keep an eye on the wiki. Andrew started a
page about working on icons last night and we'll add more from there
(it's a big job by itself!).


Ubuntu SVG Artwork - www.volvoguy.net/ubuntu
Art, like morality, consists of drawing the line somewhere. ~ G.K. Chesterton

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